visitor information
CRATER welcomes special interest groups with a passion for ecology, the natural environment, and conservation. There are extensive forests and waterways at Goondicum where nature lovers can observe native species in their natural habitat.
Located in an ancient volcanic crater with a river gorge running through it, the property is rich in wildlife. Whether you’re looking for a colony of rock wallabies in the gorge or observing flocks of glossy black cockatoos streaming across the skies at sunset, Goondicum is a hive of biodiversity.
Animals on the property include:
- Greater gliders
- Sugar gliders
- Yellow belly gliders
- Feather tail gliders
- Powerful owls
- Possums
- Koalas
- Brush Tail Rock wallabies
- Whip tail wallabies
- Red neck wallabies
- Kangaroo rats
- Pebble mound mice
- Kangaroos
- Native frog species
- Platypus
- Turtles
- Wedge tail eagles
- Tawny frog mouth owls and grass owls
- Glossy black cockatoos
- Black headed pythons
- Echidnas
- Grass owls
As CRATER is located on a private working cattle station, the site is not open to the public. Only those groups who align with the objectives of CRATER will be considered for entry on this private property.
Having said that, who we do welcome is a very broad church! From frogging groups to birdwatchers to conservation groups and amateur biologists, we welcome people who love nature and have a genuine interest in understanding how it can coexist alongside agriculture.
With thousands of hectares of natural habitat, there are many areas of interest to explore at CRATER. One of our team members will be available to guide visitors around the property and provide general assistance.
There is accommodation available on site for visiting groups, with a mixture of a fixed ‘donga’ style building and tents set at the foot of Mt Goondicum. Onsite catering can be provided. See our FACILITIES page for details of our ‘base camp’.
Our Stories

Soils for Science
The Next Antibiotic Could Be Hiding in Your Backyard. CRATER is delighted to announce that we have become an official partner of Soils for Science,

Scorpion Documentary
The natural world holds an infinite number of secrets — secrets which could potentially revolutionise human and animal health. The breakthrough drugs of tomorrow may
The Next Antibiotic Could Be Hiding in Your Backyard. CRATER is delighted to announce that we have become an official partner of Soils for Science, a groundbreaking citizen-science program dedicated to finding new antibiotics to fight against drug-resistant infections commonly…
The natural world holds an infinite number of secrets — secrets which could potentially revolutionise human and animal health. The breakthrough drugs of tomorrow may lie in the venom of animals currently feared, or undiscovered, by humankind. We're on a…

Natural Capital Workshops- Recap & Video
Natural Capital Workshops- Recap & Video In March 2023, CRATER ran one-day natural capital workshops in Monto and Gayndah to demonstrate how increases in on-farm

UQ Gatton 2022 The CRATER Team were delighted to host UQ Gatton students back to Goondicum this year as part of UQ’s Sustainable Agriculture &

University of QLD Gatton Field Trip
We were absolutely delighted to host a group of students and staff from the University of Queensland recently. They visited Goondicum for two days on

Smart Farms Round 2 Workshop #2
Regenerative Agriculture in the Upper Burnett River Region This project is supported by Goondicum Research Foundation Limited, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.

Smart Farms Round 2 – Workshop #1
Regenerative Agriculture in the Upper Burnett River Region This project is supported by Goondicum Research Foundation Limited, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.
Natural Capital Workshops- Recap & Video In March 2023, CRATER ran one-day natural capital workshops in Monto and Gayndah to demonstrate how increases in on-farm natural capital can improve farm productivity, resilience and sustainability. We invited natural capital experts along to…
UQ Gatton 2022 The CRATER Team were delighted to host UQ Gatton students back to Goondicum this year as part of UQ's Sustainable Agriculture & Animal Systems course. We were the first stop for the students' tour of sustainable farming…
We were absolutely delighted to host a group of students and staff from the University of Queensland recently. They visited Goondicum for two days on an inaugural field trip as part of the Sustainable Agricultural and Animal Systems course at…
Regenerative Agriculture in the Upper Burnett River Region This project is supported by Goondicum Research Foundation Limited, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program. Regenerative Agriculture In The Upper Burnett River Region, Workshop 2 We would like to say…
Regenerative Agriculture in the Upper Burnett River Region This project is supported by Goondicum Research Foundation Limited, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program. We would like to say a big thank you to everyone that joined us for…
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