Regenerative Agriculture in the Upper Burnett River Region

We would like to say a big thank you to everyone that joined us for our first Smart Farms Round 2 Workshop. As part of the smart farms initiative the workshop showcased regenerative agricultural strategies that can be undertaken to preserve the natural environment, regenerate country and create financially beneficial outcomes for landowners and land managers.
We would like to especially thank our guest presenters on the day who shared their guidance and advice about regenerative agriculture, and all the tools and tips for landowners to take back to their own properties.
Henry Hinds - Resource Consulting Services (RCS)
Henry’s message for our guests was all around incorporating trees into our grazing lands. Paddocks with more trees produced better quality feeding grasses than lands that were cleared, improving grazing capability and profitability.
“You can’t expect people to know what they don’t know. The getting together and sharing of ideas is really important”
If you have any more questions for Henry or want to find out more information about RCS then head their website
Ann McKenzie - Burnett Mary Regional Group (BMRG)
Ann is passionate about soil and shared with our group some simple tips for how to health check your soil. Out in the field she demonstrated some easy tests that everyone could replicate at home on their own properties.
If you want to find out more about what’s going on at the Burnett Mary Region Group or for more tips head to how to manage your resources head to
Greg Ellett - Alluvium
Alluvium is in the business of looking at rivers and streams that are “in trouble” and managing them in a way that helps them restore themselves, stabilising the streams and avoiding large amounts of sediment ending up out on the Great Barrier Reef.
Greg was able to showcase the types of restoration and improvement projects Alluvium is focusing on. He spoke about flooding and erosion along with the tactics they have used to combat them.
Alluvium are working with a number of property owners throughout the Burnett Mary region. If you want to discuss the health and condition of the waterways on your property, please contact Alluvium
Goodicum Pastoral Co.
We would also like to give a big thanks to Rob and Nadia for hosting the event at the incredible Goondicum Station and for sharing some of their valuable insights with us. Rob and Nadia manage their property with the idea that respect for the land and the animals produces the highest quality and most profitable cattle.
“Really good that people came, and I hope they took a lot home with them because there were some really special people talking here today. They get here and they see exactly what the difference is and see that it’s been working. Hopefully they can take some of that home and start doing it at their place.”