Regenerative Agriculture in the Upper Burnett River Region

Regenerative Agriculture In The Upper Burnett River Region, Workshop 2
We would like to say a big thank you to everyone that joined us for our second Smart Farms Round 2 Workshop. As part of the Smart Farms initiative, the workshop showcased regenerative agricultural strategies that can be undertaken to preserve the natural environment, regenerate country, and create financially beneficial outcomes for landowners and land managers.
We would like to especially thank our guest presenters on the day who shared their guidance and advice about regenerative agriculture, and all the tools and tips for landowners to take back to their own properties.
Ann McKenzie – BMRG (Burnett Mary Regional Group)
Ann has a wealth of experience in the regenerative agriculture space. She is also an expert in all things soil, from soil biology, chemistry, and physics, to getting water into the soil and making the most of rainfall — even during times of drought.
Ann’s presentation focussed on soil and its role in regenerative agriculture, with practical information for landowners on how to improvise their soils to boost farming production and biodiversity.
Henry Hinds – RCS (Resource Consulting Services)
Henry has both worked and lived in rural Upper Burnett, and has a broad range of knowledge on the native vegetation of the region and how it goes hand-in-hand with grazing practices.
Henry’s presentation centred around timber, and how graziers can get productive outcomes from their property’s timber in balance with the natural ecology on-farm.
DR Adam Rose- Central Queensland University
Dr Adam Rose is an awarded lecturer and research fellow specialising in the impacts of floods on the ecological health risks to human health and water infrastructure.
During the workshop, Adam talked about ‘Slow the Flow’, a movement which aims to reduce the velocity of water flow. He explained what farmers can do on-farm to improve their waterways, which in turn leads to improved health of their property’s natural resources.
Want More?
Check out our next round of Smart Farm Workshops: ‘Increasing On-Farm Natural Capital in the Burnett Region’. Visit the page to register your interest.